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The strategic vision:

Every project starts with the ambition to improve or create a product; but only one that truly understands the needs, can provide a real solution that at the same time generates a good experience.

This is how a real improvement and competitive advantage is created.

The strategic process:

UX strategy, like all strategies, starts by understanding the user, the product's starting point (the current product, team, resources and constraints) and the end goal. Building a connection between that starting point and that desired goal is the strategy.

The result of the first analysis generates three key points for the UX strategy:

User objectives:

If a product has all the listed functions and features, and the user succeeds in accomplishing the tasks, but with a negative emotion (e.g. confusion), the product has failed in user experience.

Therefore, setting user goals is not just about naming the tasks to be completed; it is about considering what the user REALLY wants. And to understand this, you have to dig deep into their expectations. At the end a deep analysis looks something like this:

Task: "The user wants to send a message."

Analysis: What is he expecting to feel at the end of performing this task.

Answer: That he has accomplished the task effectively. That it has been a pleasant moment. That it has been easy.

By considering the desired emotions (in this case: that it was pleasant and that it was easy) as user objectives, we can get deeper and closer to what the user considers a positive experience, and thus, the project will meet and exceed expectations.

Project objectives

Before we can define the project objectives, we must understand the problem we are trying to solve.

During this part of the process we must take into account technical support and customer service reports, research the competition and trends, and investigate development opportunities.

We then define a list of desired features. The list can be outrageous, so creating a prioritization system is also essential when making decisions that will meet all objectives in the long run. Our prioritization system considers each feature from different points of view, for example, from technical complicity, technical support, people and company objectives. By having a priority rating from each of these points of view, an objective validation system is generated in the decision to go ahead with a feature or to remove it from the project.

Company or product objectives

Finally, having a clear vision of the project or company, that is to say, the long-term objectives, we will have the last link to make clear the priorities and scope when designing an interface.


Through strategic UX planning, it is easier to create a long-term vision of the product. The strategic planning of the user experience requires a whole process of analysis and thinking that will generate clear information. The result is an interface that breaks new ground, exceeds expectations and marks a solid competitive advantage for the product.

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